Who Is The Topmost Blogger In The World?

Who is the topmost blogger on the internet? I have been trying to find out everything about the top writers on the web.However I haven’t been able to make any major inroads.Every writing site publishes its own top writer list.But that’s a very narrow list and would give you no idea on the top writers in the web world.When I say top, it is based on the product of quantity and quality of stuff that he or she has written.I have seen some web sites where writers have written as many as 5000 articles.

But I presume even that is a low number.

Alessandra De faria on iwriter.com has produced 10911 articles in not more than 2 years.It seems as if she is the Queen of writing.She writes for clients and I am not aware if she has any blogs of her own.Nearly 11000 articles in 2 years is really stunning.She has a rating of 4.7 on iwriter which makes her an elite writer.From whatever I have seen so far she has writing 20-25 articles every day and she writes literally on anything.That’s really a whopping number and you should be really a quality writer with diverse interests to write as much.

I don’t know what the pshyche of these writers is.Writing 20 articles day-in and day-out is unbelievable but that’s what makes them really the top writers.The more you produce the more you earn and unless you are writing as a full-time professional that’s not really possible.I am yet to decipher how writers like de faria can be so much efficient and productive.I mean she or he whoever it is is writing for the client and would need approvals to get money.How could anyone write 20-25 pieces in a day for a client and still maintain a rating as high as 4.7 is beyond my wits.

Here on expertscolumn we have Megamatt09 who has written close to 1700 articles.Although the chances can’t be ruled out I am yet to find out someone who has written 20,000+ articles on the web.Here are some of the websites that list the top and best bloggers in the world



Article Written by samprad78

I am an IT professional who loves to write his views based on facts and experience. I write on a wide range of topics in my blogs but specifically love writing on investments, trading and distance running

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