Universal Remote Control Television Codes To Selected Tv Brands

My CRT Television is very old since I bought it way back 2004; the brand of my TV is Polytron with a remote control.
The problem is, the kids are very careless and usually dropped the remote control many times and a time comes that the remote control doesn’t function anymore.

I guess its time to buy a universal remote control and a lot of them are available in the city malls.
For a universal remote control, people in our place their first choice to drop by is the store named cd-r king, naturally I purchased a cd-r king’s Copper Universal TV Remote Control, triple AAA battery operated.
Thank God it works and compatible with my Polytron brand of CRT television.

I used my remote control and after a month due to experimental pressing of all the function keys within that remote control, my kids reprogram the sensor and I can’t use my remote control, all function keys doesn’t work.
I know that it needs to enter the same code I did before for the second time but the problem is, I don’t remember what code I entered before.
Codes to different brand of televisions are found at the plastic casing and I lost it.

I already did surf the internet search engine and I didn’t find any codes at their official website.
Even in the forums, I found out that there are many users who are also asking the same question about the codes I searching but no one voluntary answers.

It took me two weeks to continue browsing the internet without any results and seeking if where places or corner on my house I left until I finally found it hiding at the back of my plastic cabinet.
Now I found it and I successfully entered the same code for the second time, I post it here for a quick reference.

Ok, if there’s someone also looking for the codes, I hope this can help.

Here is the URL of the codes and the picture of the universal remote control device that I am using, right click the link and open in a new window

My CRT Television brand is Polytron, available codes are 055 and 133
And I choose 055

Note that some television brands contain plenty of codes to choose and I listed only 2 selections, other brands contain only one code.

How to set the codes:

First is to press and hold the SET button (the indicator red led light is on)
Second is to press and hold the POWER button while still holding the SET button.
Third is to simultaneously release the SET and POWER buttons.
Fourth is to enter those 3 digit codes (the indicator red led light is out if finished enter the 3 digits)
Fifth is for the user to test their universal remote control keys if it is now functional or not, hope it works.


Article Written by samprad78

I am an IT professional who loves to write his views based on facts and experience. I write on a wide range of topics in my blogs but specifically love writing on investments, trading and distance running

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